Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Page Hacked

A Palestinian unemployed Researcher Khalil Shreateh has hacked the personal page of facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Khalil in his slightly broken English wrote the following massage on Mark’s page.

“First, sorry for breaking your privacy and post to your wallI ha[ve] no other choice to make after all the reports I sent to Facebook team.”

The break-in, detailed on Shreateh’s blog (and in several agitated posts from Facebook developers on Hacker News), has been more than a little embarrassing for Facebook.

But it’s not exactly newsworthy that Shreateh found a bug — that happens all the time. In fact, Facebook runs a program that encourages white hat hackers to find and report bugs in Facebook infrastructure in exchange for a cash reward. What is unusual is that Facebook didn’t respond to Shreateh’s initial reports about the bug, and that Shreateh then exploited it in violation of Facebook’s policies for white hat hackers.

Facebook has announced that the flaw, which enabled Shreateh to post onto any user’s wall, regardless of their privacy settings, has been fixed.

Shreateh, who describes himself as an unemployed security researcher with a degree in information systems, said he found a hole in Facebook’s systems that let him post to any user’s page, including users not on his Friends list.

Such an exploit would be a virtual gold mine for spammers, scam artists and others seeking to take advantage of the site’s roughly 1 billion users worldwide.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Dolph Lundgren Health and Fitness Tips (important for your health)

The Swedish Action Film legend Dolph Lundgren is a Martial Artist, Director, Nutritionist and body builder. 

He belongs to a generation of film actors who epitomise the action hero stereotype, alongside Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Steven Seagal, and Jean-Claude Van Damme. 

Although Lundgren never competed as a professional bodybuilder, he has been closely associated with bodybuilding and fitness since his role as Drago in the mid-1980s. Bodybuilding.com said "looking like a man in his 30's rather than his 50's, Lundgren is the poster boy of precise nutrition, supplementation and exercise application that he has practiced for over 35 years.

Here are some answers by Dolph Lundgren regarding his health and fitness.

How many hours a week do you spend training?
I train three to five days a week, normally for an hour and half. But if I'm busy or traveling, I'll make sure I do a 30 minute stint in my room. I rotate cardio with strength training. As you get older, you need to keep your hormone levels up by lifting heavy weights.
What's your top training tip?
For me, it's to keep it interesting and vary your workouts. Go to a class, like Body Pump, or work out with a trainer once in a while just to get new ideas.
What advice would you give your 16-year-old self today?
When I was a teenager, my dad used to put a lot of pressure on me to be successful, and I'd really beat myself up about things like losing martial arts competitions. I wish I'd known that things would work out and I'd do well – it would have been good to have someone tell me not to worry so much when I was young.
How healthy is your diet?
I have a good breakfast and good food three or four times a day, and that works for me. I've done crash diets to get ripped for a scene or shoot, but it takes a lot out of you. As soon as you start cutting back too much on carbs and stuff like that, you can do a lot of damage to your metabolism.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
When I got into martial arts when I was 15 that became my focus for about eight years. I competed a lot and trained every day. I was also interested in academia. I wanted to become an engineer, or get masters in business. But I had the opportunity to do films when I was about 25 and it was a great way to express myself.
Who would you most like to buy a beer?
Clint Eastwood. I think he was underestimated as a dumb cowboy, but people didn't realise what a talented director he is, and now he is certainly one of the most respected directors in the world. It's pretty amazing that he's still going at 82. He's definitely a person I look up to.
How many hours sleep do you get per night?
Some people go on three or four hours sleep a night, but I need eight hours regularly. At least once a week, I try to have one day where I have nothing planned so I can get up and just go back to bed and lay around and recharge my batteries.
You’ve been offered a pill that will make you live forever. Do you take it?
I'd have to think about that one. I think mortality makes you live a fuller existence. When I was a kid I was scared of death, and maybe that's what made me desperate to get the most out of life.
Who is your hero – and why?
I used to look up to Stallone a lot, and I still do. To make one hit movie is difficult – a lot of people try and most can't do it. To make several is just so impressive.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Shakira's Workout and Diet

Shakira was in Ibiza this week for a photo shoot where she unveiled her amazing abs.
To get that gorgeous midsection, Shakira has been training with celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson.  A typical workout (6 days a week) consists of 60 minutes of strength straining and then 40 minutes of cardio dance with new workout routines every 10 days.
In addition, as we know, Shakira includes a lot of belly dancing in her dance routine, which obviously helps her maintain those beautiful abs.  Indeed, lots of celebrities have been using belly dancing to stay fit.  Kaeshi Chai of Bellyqueen provided a few tips to Hollywoodlife on how anyone can workout with belly dancing.
Build a foundation. “Practice the foundation moves of belly dance, which include figure eights, circles, slides and shimmies,” Kaeshi says. “Any contraction utilizing the rectus abdominus (stomach), obliques and quadratus lumborum (side muscles) and back muscles will help tone and exercise the torso region. Most foundation belly dance movements activate the torso muscles of the body.”
Try squeezing your core for 10 seconds at a time throughout the day – when you’re sitting at the computer, watching TV, or standing in line. Do these about 10 times. Repeat throughout the day. As you strengthen your core, you can increase the duration of each rep and/or increase the number of repetitions.
Cross-train. “The ideal combination is to cross train with yoga and pilates to build flexibility and strength,” Kaeshi says. Also, try “meditation to practice moving your breath through your body which will make your dancing seem effortless.”
Pilates will help strengthen your core, while yoga will help with your flexibility – each of which are absolutely critical for serious belly dancing.
Dance every day. You can do it anywhere! “A person can dance a little everyday — when they are washing the dishes, brushing their teeth or even talking on the phone,” Kaeshi says. Just pop your hips!
One of the reasons why belly dancing is becoming a popular workout alternative is that it doesn’t require any equipment or large blocks of time and it could be done just about anywhere.
Of course, you can’t have Shakira’s abs with just her workout.  You’ll need healthy diet with a variety of foods that includes plenty of lean proteins and an assortment of fruits and vegetables.  Also, like Shakira, you’ll need to eat plenty of small meals to keep your metabolism running all day long.  Here’s a look at what Shakira includes in her diet.
  • Grapefruit or orange juice
  • Melon or pineapple (slice)
  • Whole grain toast (slice) with low-fat cheese
  • Coffee (decaf) or tea (with a little non-fat milk)
Mid-morning Snack
  • Fruit (an apple, two kiwis, or a peach) with a non-fat yogurt
  • Tomato and boiled spinach salad
  • Lean grilled beefsteak, pumpkin pudding, or spaghetti with vegetables
  • Fruit salad (1 cup)
Mid-afternoon snack
  • Non-fat yogurt, tomato juice, or whole grain toast (slice) with low-fat cheese
  • Vegetable soup
  • Lentils with tomato and broccoli
  • Whole grain bread (two slices)
  • A peach, an apple, diet jello, or fruit salad
  • No alcohol or caffeinated coffee
  • Junk food
  • She never ever stays up late, except for work purposes
  • No sweets
  • No smoking