Monday, September 2, 2013

Lady Gaga on Deadmau Criticism

Lady Gaga is all about peace, love, unity and respect, and Deadmau5 is beloved by PLURies across the U.S., but that doesn’t mean the biggest mouth in EDM can’t go head-to-mau5head with her legion of Little Monsters.

Deadmau uses the following words for on Lady Gaga’s latest video made with performance artist Marina Abramovic. 

“What the actual fuck?  if some idiot howls in the woods and noones around, does it make a sound? MYTH BUSTED!”

Lady Gaga is asking her fans, to whom she often refers to as ‘Little Monsters,’ to stop posting abusive and threatening language on Twitter to attack her critics.

Gaga’s fans reportedly tweeted death threats to Canadian progressive-house music producer , more commonly known as Deadmau5 who criticized Gaga’s promotional NSFW video for Marina Abramovic Kickstarter Project.

Also, Lady Gaga recently had a much-publicized online feud with celebrity gossip blogger Perez Hilton who, according to LA times, repeatedly published tweets and blog posts criticizing the performer’s latest song, ‘Applause,’ describing it with words and expressions like ‘meh’ and comparing it with the success of singer Katy Perry's “Roar.”

Lady Gaga wrote the following request on her Born This Way Foundation blog:

While it may be difficult at times to hear the things that people say and write about me, or the nature of the industry that builds us up to tear us down, I feel the need to address you all here on behalf of the Born This Way Foundation.”
She further said, “Sending threats of any kind, using hateful or abusive language, and the provoking of others on the internet is not supported by me or anything that I stand for. What I’ve seen transpiring is wrong and upsetting to me, and I’ve made it very clear how I feel about equality and compassion.”
And then the star requested social media websites to help her in her cause, “I also ask that Twitter and other social media platforms support this effort to monitor and control abusive and threatening language, as I don’t know that I am powerful enough to stop it myself. Please represent me and our community with the values we cherish and live by.”

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